I am using METHOCEL™ (HPMC) F4M for my formulation and tested in Simulated: Gastric Fluid (pH 1.2), Intestinal Fluid (6.8), Pulmonary Fluid (7.4) and Ringer Fluid and did not see relevant changes in the liberation of the drug. Searching articles, i saw that some HPMCs can dissolve more quickly in some pHs (Like 1.2 of Gastric Fluid). But the only change that i saw was the time need to reach 100% of drug release. The profile of release (Bi-exponential) was almost the same, but in one media, reached 100% in 90 minutes, other in 120 minutes.

Can anyone knows a work that shows this profile of HPMC F4M in different simulated fluids?

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