1) For the trait flowering time, Using GWAS I identified a locus "LOC_Os10g30380"  which is homologous to Arabidopsis gene AT5G25140 and from TAIR data base the gene AT5G25140 is explained as

"expressed during: LP.04 four leaves visible stage, LP.06 six leaves visible stage, LP.08 eight leaves visible stage, LP.10 ten leaves visible stage, flowering stage, petal differentiation and expansion stage, vascular leaf senescent stage"

So, can I report the gene Os10g30380 may have influence on flowering time or is functioning for flowering time?

Or how can I explain the gene in my manuscript?

2) Also if the gene Os10g3038 (for example with same information) will be within 5KB, not including gene, then how can I explain it?

(The link here is for TAIR database for the gene AT5G25140.)


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