
While investigating if recovery of larger samples of a DNA origami annealing reaction is possible with my current gel electrophoresis set up I discovered that according to thermo fisher


The maximum quantity of DNA that can be clearly identified in a band is 100 ng.

In my project Im currently using 5ul (1.12ug) of P7249 scaffold (Where the total weight is 112ug in 500uL) in a single annealing 50uL reaction and then a ten fold excess of staples (~11ug) even if I only use 5uL of product per lane I'm already in excess of 100ng by roughly ten fold (~1.2ug per lane).

I feel like 100ng of DNA per well is low? That would be 0.5uL of my folding reaction. If I recovered this volume I would be left with a 0.1 nanomolar solution of origami assuming recovery from a DNA extraction column in a 50ul buffer. Does anyone have experience recovering larger sample volumes?

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