I just did my first RNA extraction from tissue using a trizol-like reagent called "Tranzol". I must have eluted it to 70ul final volume but I'm having poor yields of approximately 150ng/ul, low A260/280 ratios (peak is at 270nm and there's something carrying over giving high absorbance below 230nm).

I was using two eyes from a mouse. After removing muscles and optic nerve I sunked them in liquid nitrogen and proceded to smash them up on a mortar, I collected the pink slime with a spatula and added 1ml of Tranzol. After that I carried over with the usual protocol separating with chloroform, precipitating with isopropanol and washing with 75% EtOH (precipitate was barely visible at best). I was unable to completely dry the tubes, there was about 20ul of watery EtOH left that wouldn't evaporate.


EDIT: apparently chloroform was contaminated, after switching chloroform it worked well.

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