Hi Representative of ResearchGate;

My article "Eating Disorders: Diagnosis and Prosthodontic Management" pubished on BAOJ Dentistry, 2017 has four citation on Website.

These are the articles that cited my publication:

a) Eating disorders: Condition of interest to a restoring dentist: A narrative review Ivy Coutinho1 , Kathleen Manuela D’souza2*, Meena Ajay Aras. International Journal of Oral Health Dentistry2019.

b) Influence of a retentive shoulder design to prevent early failure of three core build-ups

ED Bonilla, CH Pameijer, C Nascimento… - Brazilian Dental Journal 2019

c) Impact of Eating Disorders on Oral Health (Thesis) by Menaya, Julio Rojas,  Egas Moniz School of Health & Science (Portugal) ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,  2020

d) Tratamiento odontológico del paciente con anorexia y bulimia (Thesis)

Author/sPalacios Delgado, María Eugenia Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estomatología Publication Date 2020 Deposit Date 2021-02-25 Academic Title Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Odontología

Please do the correction of my citation of my manuscript on ResearchGate account.

Thank you.

Esteban D. Bonilla DDS


Chair of Morphology and Occlusion

Restorative Dentistry

UCLA School of Dentistry

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