23 December 2020 7 10K Report

Hi Everyone,

I did a few rounds of RNA isolation today and found something very strange. I usually have very good A260/A230 ratios along with A260/A280 ratios, but this time around my A260/A230 ratios were VERY low. I am not sure what went wrong but it was consistent among the two times I isolated today.

Could this be due to the reagents in my RNA isolation kit being contaminated? This doesn't seem likely to me but this is really the only variable that has changed considering I have moved on to use the newer kit now that I am proficient at isolation.

In my second run today I tried eluting two rounds with water at the end which helped a little but the ratio was still far too low. It also dropped my concentration down to about 30 ng/ul from 100 ng/ul.

In past isolations, my concentrations would range from 400-1000 ng/ul, so this was very strange.

Tomorrow I plan on trying it again with a different kit to see if that was the issue.

Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated, thank you!

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