Species: Lissotriton vulgaris (please confirm; photos attached)
Subspecies: ?
Sex: ?
Total Length: 10 cm
I found this smooth newt yesterday (18.12.2019, 21:30 local time) in the outskirts of Vienna (Austria) on a stone walkway in a garden.
Environmental data (at time of observation):
Air temp: 2°C
Humidity: not measured, very likely 100%RH: foggy and very wet since sunset (no rain)
No wind
Weather during the day: 9°C and sunny around noon/in the early afternoon, no wind, no rain
In the same garden, newts have been found in previous years in springtime (in a water meter shaft 1.5 to 2 m below ground level). There is a pond in one of the neighboring gardens; the urban housing area is located within 1 km of Donau-Auen National Park.
According to Jablonski (2013) and Kaczmarek et al. (2018), winter activity in the species is unusual in this part of Europe. For this reason, I include here as much information as possible. The environmental conditions were similar to those reported in both papers.
The animal was not moving when I found and subsequently observed it for 10 min. Upon touching it (to remove from walkway), it moved its limbs lethargically. Due to a further drop in temperature (to ca. 0.5°C), I took it in overnight.
What is the best procedure to maximize its chances of survival? Where should I release it today (open/vegetated area in the garden)? Which time of day (weather forecast: 5°C in the morning, 13°C at noon, 10°C in the evening)?