I am trying to understand how personality traits change in adolescents over time (2 measurement occasions with the same individuals). I am using linear mixed models in SPSS for that purpose. I have "subjects" in "subjects" in the first block, "extraversion" as a DV, and "time" as a covariate in the second block (time could be a factor as well but I read that it might be better to put it in the covariate block actually). For fixed effects, I choose time as this is my main interest.
My question is if I should put "time" also in the first block under "repeated".
The analysis is very limited due to the fact that there are only 2 measurement occasions, so I cannot lose many degrees of freedom. If I do not add time in the repeated block, I can still add a random intercept and slope, but if I have to add time also under repeated, then I hit easily the iteration warning. Furthermore, I could add "sex" as a covariate, but to make all of these decisions, I first need to know if, for this particular design, where I only have time as a predictor, I need to have it in both blocks (repeated measures & covariate)?
I think that I do need to add it in both boxes. In that scenario I am not able to add any random effects due to iteration, but I can still add covariate of sex and interaction of sex and time. Please let me know if this is correct!
Thanks a lot!
Best wishes