Khinchine's inequality gives me an upper bound on the r.h.s. of (sum_i x_i^2)^(1/2) but I found nothing about the stronger equality being true though the numerics suggest it.
Let s_i be Rademacher variables (+/-1 with P=1/2) and x_i real numbers. We want to calculate the expectation and investigate whether or not it is true that
(*) E[ | sum_i s_i * x_i |] = max{ | x_i | }.
First consider the case of 2 terms. Without loss of generality let 0 < x_2 < x_1. Note that
(i) prob(s_1=1,s_2=1) = 1/4, (ii) prob(s_1=1,s_2=-1) = 1/4,
which is not equal the maximum x_1 and the general claim is false here.
I think your claim holds true in a certain region of the hypercube of dimension N. All we need to do is to investigate 2^N possible cases for |s_1*x_1 + s_2*x_2 + ... + s_3*x_N| , where x_1>x_2>...>x_N. My guess is that for the hierarchy of inequalities
x_1 - x_2 > 0
x_1 - x_2 - x_3 > 0
x_1 - x_2 - x_3 - x_4 > 0
we are on the safe side. However, the effect of violating the inequalities further down the hierarchy seems to be only a small perturbation (looking at some numerical simulations). And maybe if we have two or three maximum outliers in the data, x_1, x_2 and x_3 sufficiently large versus the rest of the data and satisfying (A), the claim holds approximately true regardless.
Thank you for working that out. The whole problem arose in the course of a stability analysis around |x_1|>0, x_2=...=x_N=0, so it seems clear now that (*) is valid in a sufficiently small neighborhood of that point (for finite N), and that's sufficient for me. Just as an interesting aside, from your analysis and just looking at ||x||=1, my guess is that for unlimited N we can't do better than Khintchine's inequality since the neighborhood around x_1 = 1, x_2=...=x_N=0 for which x_1-x_2-...-x_N > 0 holds goes to zero.