I am working with LDH-Glo (https://www.promega.com/-/media/files/resources/protocols/technical-manuals/500/ldh-glo-cytotoxicity-assay-technical-manual.pdf?la=en)
cytotoxicity assay and calculate % cytotoxicity from this formula:
% Cytotoxicity = 100 × (Experimental LDH Release – Medium Background) / (Maximum LDH Release Control – Medium Background)
I treat my cells (human pancreatic ductal cell line) with potentially cytotoxic compund which should damage them - and i get the excpected effect, however I do not understand why do I have such a high values in control group:
Triton X group - 100% cytotoxicity
Treated group - 60%
Non-treated negative control - 38%
I handle with the cells carefully and
Should I worry about so high cytotoxicity in non-treated group or just simply normalize experimental-treated values to seek only for drug-related effect?
Most appriciated if you could help me on this one!:)
Best regards,