I study the impact of activities on Oceans.
1. Ecoinvent is mistakingly considering the "infinite dilution" hypothese, forgetting that the dilution of pollution is usually done through its absorption by biological entities, and so with consequences on the ecosystemic services (O2 production, CO2 absorption, water filtration, etc.).
2. For example, "water, cooling , in ocean" has no impact according to EF 3.1, whereas it has a 42,95 m3 of water depriv per m3 of "water, cooling" impact in many other compartments. In any case, water cooling has an impact on ecosystems and on water ( pumping water through a heat exchanger , warm it up by 5-20°C possibly, then release it) on rivers, so has an impact on ocean life, I presume.
=> I need to go and read the reports which detail the hypotheses of this 42,95 m3/m3
Many thansk for your help !