Dear colleagues!

I have a question regarding the connection between absorption and emission of light in a poly-crystalline (solution processed inorganic) semiconductor.

from absorption data I extract the temperature dependence of the band-gap to follow Eg(T)=Eg(0)-2S /(exp(Eph/kT)-1) (ref 1)

and (the Huang Rhys constant) S=7.5 with an uncertainty of 0.5 (from the fit alone), Eph (the average phonon energy) results to roughly 50 meV.

When attempting to connect S and Eph with PL data (in terms of the Huang Rhys formula) however the data is clearly not comparable and the phonon energy seems close to 10 meV (or even less) and S also seems to be lower.

Generally,  the PL peak is very narrow and from (Segall equation)

G(T)=G(0)+g*T+GLO/(ELO/kT)-1) (ref 2)

g~0 (acoustic scattering) and ELO~20 meV.

Since the first equation combines "average phonon energy" and (from literature reference) Segall's equation last term only the LO-phonons, I guess it can be said that generally speaking absorption and emission "sees" different phonon interaction but I still wonder about the large Huang-Rhys factor and very small interaction energy in that equation.

I hope someone can share his or her experience on this! Any help is greatly appreciated!



ref 1:

ref 2:

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