The US Government Comparative Toxicogenomics Database associates Fluoride with Behçet's Disease, (closely matching Kawasaki Disease in symptoms), and specifically with APOA1, APOB, CAT, CXCL8 and ICAM1 genes. The database also associates Fluoride with Hemorrhagic Shock through ICAM1, IL6 and TNF genes, Cardiogenic Shock through SOD2, and Septic Shock through NOS2 and TNF genes. Many of these genes have been found to be involved in disease progression in Covid-19.
Previous research has linked Coronavirus with Kawasaki Disease, although this remains controversial. Esper F et al. 2005. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 191, Issue 4, 15 February Pages 499–502
Will the current surge in "Kawasaki-like" disease since the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak be seen through new light given advances in RNA detection?