My framework IV on DV through Mediation. Is any requirement that must measure direct effect of IV on DV? Because I wanted to prove that Mediation makes a positive significan and never claim that direct effect is significant.
It is necessary to measure and report the direct effect between your IV and DV. This is because, you would want to present to your audience, the type of mediation established in your study (i.e., Partial or Full). Here is the overview of the conditions and types of mediation effects among constructs. For instance, Baron and Kenny (1986) proposed that several conditions should be met when testing a mediating effect through a three-separate regression estimate:
regressing the mediator on the independent variable (Model 1);
regressing the dependent variable on the independent variable (Model 2); and
regressing the dependent variable on both the independent variable and on the mediator (Model 3).
The four conditions of mediation under this method are:
the independent variable (IV) must significantly predict the mediator in Model 1;
the independent variable must significantly predict the dependent variable (DV) in Model 2; the mediator must significantly predict the DV in Model 3, and
the IV must predict the DV less strongly in Model 3 than in Model 1 (i.e., partial mediation).
However, full mediation occurs when the IV is insignificant in the third model (Model 3). I hope you find this submission helpful. Regards!
With complete mediation, the entire (or total) effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable is transmitted through one or more mediator variables. Thus, the independent variable has no direct effect on the dependent variable; rather, its entire effect is indirect.
In the first place a mediation role is established when the indirect effect of the mediating or intervening variable in the link between your IV and DV is significant.
Next, you'll have to demonstrate whether there is full (complete) mediation or partial mediation. This is where the role of the direct effect is important. 2 major rules of thumb are gleaned in the literature.
1. If the indirect effect is significant and the direct effect is also significant, you have a partial mediation. Partial mediation implies that IV can still influence DV without the intervening influence of the mediating variable
2. If the indirect effect is significant and the direct effect is insignificant, you have a full mediation. Full mediation implies that IV cannot influence DV without the influence of, or without passing through the mediating variable.
Therefore, the direct effect is crucial in coming to a conclusion as to whether there is partial or full mediation. I hope this helps.