Recently our former president Dr APJ Abdul Kalam has aptly said the future economy will be of "interplanetary nature" and it is important to evolve multidisciplinary leaders to manage energy economics efficiently. He has cautioned that by 2050, India will have world's one fifth population and to provide basic requirements to them like energy and water, multidisciplinary basic science, energy efficient and cost effective technologies including harnessing solar power from space have to be developed indigenously.
"Refined technologies to harness and recycle water, solar energy and use of alternate fuels for transportation will be some of the major challenges for scientists. Also, newer and novel ideas have to be evolved by young science leaders," he said. According to this great visionary "We need to embark on a programme in solar energy systems and technologies, for both large, centralised applications as well as small, decentralized requirements concurrently, for applications in both rural and urban areas." The key to success of this programme is the development of high efficiency Photovoltaic (PV) cell using carbon nano tubes (CNT) from the current 20% to 55% in the next two to three years and commercial production immediately.