11 November 2016 2 9K Report

Statistics Textbooks

I have been looking for a good statistics textbook to use in my statistics for behavioral sciences classes. I am really confused. Most of the statistics books are either not showing any calculations that can be done by hand at all, or they are demonstrating calculations with computational formulae.

My first question: Is there a statistics for behavioral sciences textbook that show a variety of hand calculation examples for each concept by using conceptual formulae that students can follow step by step? Those demonstrations should not be like OK now calculate this or that: They should be given in a context/ a research problem that students can relate to.

My second question: Isn’t the point of hand calculations to help students understand the conceptual backgrounds of those statistics that they calculate? Why do textbooks use computational formulae? If I am going to add and subtract numbers while making no sense of them, then why not just use statistical software programs?

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