
Thank you for your help.

Just to remind you, I am a PhD student.

I am working on a Solar Still, water evaporation-condensation.

1- Water in the tank evaporate due to solar radiation.

2- Water vapour condense on the cover due to the temperature difference

3- Water condensation gets collected into a discharge channel (the system productivity)  

I need to know the condensation rate (mass flow rate)

I am using ANSYS 17.1-fluent multiphase VOF.

I got this behaviour;

It is converged just with a small time step 0.001s, which is unpractical cause it takes a long runtime!

I need to simulate 10 minutes for example, it may take weeks.

Please find attached photos.

Also, I have some precise questions;

1- Is VOF a successful tool? or mixture is a better choice?

2- Number of phases 2 or 3? (I used 3 including the air)

3- Explicit or implicit? (I used implicit)

4- Transient or steady? (I used Transient)

5- Sharp or dispersed interface? ( I used sharp)

6- Which Solar model? (I used Roseland)

7- Which viscous model? (I used k-epsilon-RNG)

8- Enable Eulerian wall film or not?  ( I am not)

9- Enable surface tension or not? (I enabled with wall adhesion)

10- What is the SS of enthalpy for each phase? (I use 0 to water and 4e7 to vapour)

11- What is the primary Phase? ( I am air)

11- Solution method? (I used PISO)

13- URF values?  (I used 0.2 to 0.5)

14- Standard or hybrid initialization? (I used hybrid)

15- adopt region to be patched, what properties should be defined and for which region(s)? (I defined just the volume fraction to water region as 1)

Please advise,

Many thanks,

Kind regards,


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