Dear Vinicius Pompermaier. It is a mite from order Trombidiformes but this pictures is not so clear to confirm if it belongs to Erythraeidae. Do you have more pictures?
They belong to Erythraeidae. If you can send some photos with high resolution, then I will be able to tell you its subfamily and genus. If you know to mount them, It will better to send their photos after mounting too.
I have some specimens from Brasil which belong to the genus Leptus.
I do agree with all, better pictures are need it. Play with the focus and light. You could contact Dr. Carlos H.W. Flechtmann, Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, or Dr. Fabio Akashi Hernandes,
Dept. Zoologia - UNESP, for help with the specimens.
Yes, they are larvae of Erythaeidae, but for a identification to genus or species level, the best will be to conctact Dr. Flechtmann, which will need to see them.