I've been recently trying to derive iPSCs from low-passage MEFs using episomal vector electroporation (3 vectors: hOCT4-p53shRNA; hSOX2/hKLF4; and hN-MYC/hLIN28 - (h=human)).

Because I need to analyze the effect of a certain agent on reprogramming efficiency, I prefer to use the 2-vector combination (OSK) to induce iPSC generation, because OSKML appears to mask the enhancing effect of other 'minor' reprogramming agents.

The problem is that when I evaluate two combinations (OSK and OSKML) for iPS generation, cells electroprated with OSK undergo massive cell death, while those with OSKML do not display a high death rate and grow normally. So I couldn't derive iPS from OSK combination, and could derive one single iPSC colony per 12000 cells initially seeded with OSKML cocktail.

Does anyone of you have any expert advice on my work? I need details. Any other related comments would also be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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