of course there are a lot of articles and books on this issue. The main applicative fileads of the sceintific research are:
- genetic anhancemento of the reared fish
- improvement of the feed composition
- trials of reproduction and growing of species novel to aquaculture
- improvement of the immune protection
- study on pathologies and their prevention or treatment
- environmental impact of different aquculture techniques
I am pretty sure that a google-search with a couple of key words focusing on your area of interest will give you a plenty of bibliographic references among which select something of your interest.
Is there any study on application of research out come for enhancing fisheries and aquaculture?
The study on application of research outcomes that may enhance fisheries and aquaculture may be from the study of limnology, breeding of the fish species, if required and fish nutrition.
Love et al. 2017. An Analysis of Nearly One Billion Dollars of Aquaculture Grants Made by the US Federal Government from 1990 to 2015. JOURNAL OF THE WORLD AQUACULTURE SOCIETY
good sciences has multiple applications. www.fishbase.org is a free global information system on all fish known to science (33,400 species documented at the moment), which makes available key parameters extracted and standardised from the scientific literature for direct analysis. It allows you to test your working hypothesis more easily because you have large data sets at the tip of your fingers. It also allows you to see more clearly where the knowledge gaps are and where research effort would be particularly productive in filling these gaps.
Based on the underlying science you may want to have a look at Multivariate Methods in Aquaculture Research - https://books.google.de/books/about/Multivariate_Methods_in_Aquaculture_Rese.html?id=3x_4mqOxyvQC&redir_esc=y
For recent advances relevant to fisheries management, you may check publications of Rainer Froese of GEOMAR, one of the founders of FishBase at http://www.fishbase.de/rfroese/
and of Daniel Pauly, Principal Investigator of the Sea Around Us Project www.seaaroundus.org
There is no shortage of good science that would help even a lot in enhancing fisheries and aquaculture, if only it were more systematically used and applied.
All developments in fisheries and aquaculture are based on outcomes of research, one type or other. They are numerous that it is a major task enumerating them.