I am looking for recent information (literature, data, preliminary experiments) on the effects of radiation dose in reptiles. Any information on lethal dose (LD), and symptoms of radiation 'overdose' would be highly appreciated.
Radiation doses sustained by lizards in a continuously irradiated natural enclosure. FB Turner, JR Lannom - Ecology, 1968
Effects of whole-body gamma irradiation on various life stages of the toad, Bufo woodhousei fowleri. HF Landreth, PB Dunaway, GE Cosgrove. Radiation research, 1974
RATL: A database of reptile and amphibian toxicology literature
BD Pauli, SL Money, JA Perrault - 2000 - publications.gc.ca
Acute gamma irradiation experiments with the lizard Uta stansburiana
FB Turner, JR Lannom, HJ Kania Radiation research, 1967
Effects of Continuous Irradiation
FB TURNER - Advances in Radiation Biology, 2013 - books.google.com
Thanks for the publications! It's interesting that there are very few (if any at all) studies published in the period 2000 - now, especially given the recent advancement in diagnostic imaging.
I found Bytwerk, D. P. (2006) An Allometric Examination of the Relationship Between Radiosensitivity and Mass. MSc Thesis, Oregon State University. The thesis has got a table in it with information from various studies on radiosensitivity in animals.