Covid-19 has made multi-sectoral significant changes, but what are the probable changes that may happen due to pandemic Covid-19. I am expecting your valuable participation. Thanks in advance.
You spotted an important point. COVID-19 is a unpredictable cheeky multidimensional monster - hurricane and the economic impact of it on companies does depend on many factors. Such as:
1) Andrew Caprara (2021). Digital Transformation: Now is the time to think big! A Forthcoming Webinar January 9, 2021, Further details:
3) Deshmukh, S.G., Haleem, A. Framework for Manufacturing in Post-COVID-19 World Order: An Indian Perspective. JGBC 15, 49–60 (2020). Open Access:
Article Framework for Manufacturing in Post-COVID-19 World Order: An...
4) James M. Crick, Dave Crick (2020). Coopetition and COVID-19: Collaborative business-to-business marketing strategies in a pandemic crisis, Industrial Marketing Management Volume 88, July 2020, Pages 206-213, Available at:
Article Coopetition and COVID-19: Collaborative business-to-business...
5) Henry Chesbrough (2020). To recover faster from Covid-19, open up: Managerial implications from an open innovation perspective, Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 88, July 2020, Pages 410-413, Open Access:
Article To recover faster from Covid-19, open up: Managerial implica...
I have analysed firms in 7 of the 11 MSCI World index. Most of them have them have released the 2020 annual results. In addition, shareholder expectations as reflected by PE ratios, are freely available on the internet.
Without boring you with unnecessary detail, COVID-19 has had uneven impact on the business landscape. Firstly and in general terms, firms in Health Care, Consumer Staples, IT, Communication Services etc., seem to have performed relatively better than Consumer Discretionaries, Industrials, Real Estate etc.,
Having said this however, there are also performance divergences within sectors. As an example, in consumer staples, Procter & Gamble delivered stellar performance, compared to Unilever. Equally, in health care, Abbot Laboratories fared better than both Pfizer and Roche Pharmaceuticals. The list go on...
I would be careful though to draw conclusions based on 1 operating cycle. Fortune 500 is to broad and unlikely to be useful. Depending on what you are looking for, focusing on a sample of firms within a sector may yield more insights.
Equally, it may be useful to define the measurable variables that you believe indicate the presence of "competitiveness" in a company or stock. There are many quantifiable variables that one can potentially use.
Lastly, a lot have of empirical research was done in the past on the impact of exogenous factors on firm performance. You may want to glance through these.