01 January 1970 15 9K Report


1) how large will be the sample of undergraduate students?;

2) will the latter be chosen so that each native country group has an equal (or, nearly equal) number of students?;

3) within each native country group, will all the respective students be tested against a unique and common foreign language?;

4) which criteria will be used for selecting any student?;

5) which specific method(s) will be used to test the correlation between musical aptitude and reading fluency? Any other variables, correlations, etc. envisioned in the project?;

6) will the final results of the test be expressed in qualitative and/or quantitative terms?;

7) how will the relevant variables of the project be measured?; and,

8) will the final data be amenable to be treated by statistical methods? If so, will you be willing to perform it?

Any comments, suggestions, etc. from external researchers to the project itself?

Excellent project! Best wishes, Ángel

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