01 January 1970 56 10K Report

Dear RG members: If yes, please, why; otherwise, why not? Also, please, feel free to elaborate on it as much as you wish. Any further comments? Thanks so much!

In another respect - dear RG members - notice that in this thread, although your kind answers to the posed question are gratefully appreciated, nonetheless I will not comment on them beyond a polite succinct acknowledgement: so that my opinion regarding the relevant subject matter is not revealed. In doing so, I try to avoid any undesirable potential bias, from my part, that could result in the final statistical outcome of the whole project. Please, I beg you not to regard my attitude as lack of due politeness. Thank you very much!

Background: In 2015, "Wikipedia" won the “Princess of Asturias” Award in their “International Cooperation” category, whose official evaluation guidelines are as follows:

“The Princess of Asturias Award for International Cooperation: aimed at recognizing individual or collective work, in cooperation with another or others, to develop and promote public health, universal education, the protection and defence of the environment, as well as the economic, cultural and social advancement of peoples.”

In the latter regard, the relevant Jury released the following statement in relation with their decision for conferring that award in 2015:

“Figuring among the ten most visited websites in the world, Wikipedia has grown continuously to offer more than 37 million articles in 288 languages, including a number of indigenous languages. The Jury has valued this important example of international, democratic, open and participatory cooperation −to which thousands of people of all nationalities contribute selflessly− that has managed to make universal knowledge available to everyone along similar lines to those achieved by the encyclopedic spirit of the 18th century.”

Further, in connection with the above, you may find useful information in the following links – both in English and Spanish:



“Wikipedia” articles on the “Princess of Asturias” Awards.



The official website of the “Princess of Asturias” Awards.



The official web page of the “Princess of Asturias” Award for “International Cooperation”, 2015.



The official website of the “Princess of Asturias” Foundation.

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