Is there any classification for the item difficulty and the item description ranges of values in item response theory (IRT) and multidimensional item response theory (MIRT).
According to Baker in "The basics of item response theory"
item discrimination in IRT is classified into the following :
none 0
very low 0.01 - 0.34
Low 0.35 - 0.64
moderate 0.65 - 1.34
High 1.35 - 1.69
Very high > 1.70
Perfect + infinity
According to Baker,Hambleton (Fundamentals of Item Response Theory ), and Hasmy (Compare Unidimensional and Multidimensional Rasch Model for Test with Multidimensional Construct and Items Local Dependence) item difficulty is classified into the following :
very easy above [-2,...]
easy (-0.5,-2)
medium [-0.5,0.5]
hard (0.5,2)
very hard [2,..]
Could the item discrimination and item difficulty classification be also used in MIRT