Patients recovered from COVID-19 and discharged from hospital after fulfilling the criteria of discharging (WHO), so any chance of COVID-19 relapse in a recovered patient is there or not?
Yes many cases are reported in different territories of the world. SARS-CoV2 is RNA virus so it is more prone to mutation this lead to multiples serotypes of virus as more than three serotypes are identified so far. If a person infect once with one serotype there is chance for this person to get infect with other serotype. Multiple seroptypes not only causes re-occurrence of infection but also it interfere with disease clinical consequences, laboratory diagnosis and Vaccine preparation.
Presumably if people had been treated in hospital, the infection had been severe.
I had heard that in mild cases of COVID-19 result in fewer antibodies and further infection is more likely. I tried to find information to support this supposition:
No reinfection or recurrence clearly documented in a recovered COVID-19 if we judge by symptoms, lab and radiological evaluation and contagiousness, not by CT-PCR results
It is not yet established that patients who are declared recovered from COVID-19 on the basis of two NEGATIVE RT-PCR tests for SARS-CoV-19 had actually recovered due to laboratory error of testing kits or the the positivity indicates a carrier state, as none of these reports indicated any worsening of clinical condition of the patient based on symptoms, CT-scan or other parameters (1). We have seen many patients with COVID-19 who despite making a clinical recovery are often having positive reports based on the RT-PCR results up to 35 days after initial diagnosis (2). There has been talk of viral RNA belong to dead virus (viral litter, debris) as the explanation for positive RNA-based PCR tests, as this test does not establish the presence of live virus.
Important point is that there is a disconnect between positive tests and the clinical condition of the such COVID-19 patients. If you follow up such patients, none of the patients had adverse outcome.
1.Preprint Clinical characteristics of the recovered COVID-19 patients ...