13 Questions 846 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Muhammad Yousuf
According to a small study from Singapore, after a median 6-minute of contact by the healthcare staff with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 admitted patients not needing ICU care under airborne...
29 March 2020 7,249 20 View
Although in electronic media many predictions about COVID-19 abound, is there a scientific prediction when the this pandemic would die down? Would this time come when it has affected 50-70% of the...
28 March 2020 3,285 7 View
I am asking this question because it has been found that patient who were later confirmed positive for COVID-19 infection were initially declared negative. Similarly, patient who, after declared...
28 March 2020 4,583 9 View
Why is it that the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) may be either overestimating or underestimating the exact or true mortality rate in patients suffering from COVID-19 in the world and different other...
26 March 2020 4,406 18 View
In a study of patients with COVD-19, 93% of severe and critically ill patients had hypokalemia. Could this be contributing to increased mortality in such patients due to risk of fatal arrhythmias?
21 March 2020 3,309 5 View
This question is arising as those patients with asymptomatic, mild or moderate COVID-19 are recovering. Is the degree of immunity dependent on: 1. Severity of the disease 2. IgG titer in the...
16 March 2020 4,495 42 View
Non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) is more common with increasing age. Doctors are increasingly asked about anticoagulation in such patients. Is it appropriate to give anticoagulation in...
09 January 2018 8,732 4 View
ACIP Recommendations for PCV13 and PPSV23 Use say that both PCV13 and PPSV23 should be administered routinely in series to all adults aged ≥65 years. Will there be any benefit of giving PCV13...
31 December 2017 685 2 View
We reported 2 cases of fatal W135 meningococciemia in Hajj pilgrims 1995 (1). We, were, to our knowledge, the first to highlight the need for vaccination for Neisseria meningitidis type W135 to be...
10 November 2016 7,977 3 View
CDC now recommends the general public to use cloth face-coverings to help slow the spread of COVID-19. It is even giving instructions how to make one (1). To encourage this the females are even...
01 January 1970 5,181 9 View
Patients who recover from COVID-19 or remain asymptomatic despite a definite contact with a SARS-CoV-2 infection proven by testing have been shown to produce specific IgM and IgG antibodies...
01 January 1970 7,997 12 View
As the COVID-19 pandemic is stetting new records in number of documented cases and deaths all over the globe, medical and non-medical journals as well as media are fast-tracking the publication...
01 January 1970 6,539 3 View
Being at the forefront of the workforce to assess, test, and treat people at risk of or confirmed cases of COVID-19, do you think that you (as a doctor, nurse, medical technician, or support...
01 January 1970 192 12 View