I have nothing but problems with my TOC-L, and support from Shimadzu on my new instrument is inadequate. I'm interested to know if anyone has experience with an alternative brand with similar capabilities.
David C. Podgorski Yes, there are other models available for measuring DOC concentration. Some notable Shimadzu TOC-L options include:
1. TOC Analyzer OI Analytical Aurora 1030W
2. TOC Analyzer Hach QBD1200 Elementar Vario
3. TOC Cube Teledyne
4. Tekmar Apollo 9000 TOC Analyzer
5. TOC Analyzer Analytik Jena Multi N/C 3100
Each of these options has its own distinct set of features and capabilities, so it's critical to conduct some research and compare them to find the best match for your particular requirements.
Same here, David C. Podgorski . Our TOC has been down for almost two years now and we are still trying to fix it and I am about to give up at this point. For an unrelated reason I was recently looking into the coulometric analyzers by UIC (https://www.uicinc.com/carbon-analysis/), which are another option, but I have no idea how they compare to Shimadzu's TOC, so I neither endorse them nor condemn them. The TOC cube of Elementar does look good!
You could look into the InnovOx from Sievers. It's wet oxidation but matrix effects are eliminated since the oxidation happens under supercritical conditions. Performance is about the same as the TOC-L, though detection limits seem higher. Wheter its a good option depends on the kinds of samples you want to run. Hope this helps.
I have used two separate TOC-Ls with and without N modules.I found both to be super reliable. It may depend on what you are putting through it. however i was analyzing clean surface waters. High mineral matrices like saltwater or soil extracts may pose issues. I slso used an elementar cube and hated it. It was incredibly slow snd the one we used has reproducibility issues.