Hi there,
Is there a way/tool/ search engine that would allow me to search for multiple variations of the same phrase at the same time?
For example, I want to search for "revealing his true belief". But I also want to search for all the phrases that have the same or similar meaning like"betraying their real opinion".
The total number of words here is 8 but there are many different ways to combine the words so there are many different potential alternative phrases: "revealing his true opinion" "revealing his real opinion" "betraying our real opinion" etc….
Is there a way to accomplish this in two conditions?
1- I determine the alternatives. So I specify that for "word 1 word 2 word 3 word4", the alternatives for word 1 are: Only revealing or showing.
2- Use all the possible synonyms or even antonyms for "revealing" in word 1.
A very useful tip I got is the use of asterisk so "revealing * true opinion" would yield "revealing your true opinion" and "revealing their true opinion".
But for some reason when I combine two quotations with each other with OR, some results are omitted. For example, "revealing * true opinion" OR "betraying * * real" yields results for the latter quotation but not the former even though the former would generate results if it's on its own.