I'm looking for a recent review article that demonstrates what topics are in the focus of network modelling in the last years. I'm particularly interested in applications to socio-economic systems and ideas from econophysics.
Dear Thomas! You can use different materials of my colleague. I'm sending you the link to his materials https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yuriy_Bilan/research
Might not be exactly what you asked for, but i found this a very interesting read. it may also point to some further resources that would aid your research.
Norbutas, L., & Corten, R. (2018). Network structure and economic prosperity in municipalities: a large-scale test of social capital theory using social media data. Social Networks, 52, 120-134.
It may also be good to look to some of the Thermoeconomics material (John Bryant), which may in turn point you to some of the Information Systems modelling, that attempts to understand macro and micro economic theory as told through bounded information systems/flows