We need a director and investor for the Center for the Global Forecast Network.

You are already familiar with my discovery of the Genesis of earthquakes and short-term earthquake prediction.

You know that you have received positive conclusions from the expertise of the scientific department and have successfully passed the forecast tests without errors (reliability 95 - 100%).

Official tests were held in Israel, in the European group and in Russia, a positive conclusion was received from the USA. A positive opinion of the UN expert was received.

I'm 76 and it's time to start the treatment that I've been putting off for years to get the job done.

I am ready to be the lead director - method consultant (either in Israel or remotely).

It was found that my work, in addition to my method, allows us to perform a large number of new methods, one of which has already been voiced and passed laboratory tests: the forecast of volcanic eruptions, which is very necessary for Italy and the United States.

In order to start work, a director is needed who is able to find an investment, conclude agreements with a group of countries from the BRICS, SCO and others.

If there are people interested in the role of director and the role of interpreter geophysicists, please contact me.

If there are no volunteers, then we will continue the conversation after there are big sacrifices and the governments decide to finance the forecast.


Alexander Yagodin.

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