I have read endless definitions, from old and new, but there is already some definite? What are the problems? as they move further molecular studies have subspecies groups below, then they will have to change Lineus´s binomial system and the names of the species epithet repeated in many names? What is definition of a individual and organism? Under what objective criteria would be classified? and What about Hybrids? or just no species? Why they use the word species in other fields such as chemistry when referring to a specific compound?. I know it is a topic of great debate, really wanted to talk about it to reach many conclusions about it. Thank you all of you.

I Made this One:

Group of individuals (Lineage: there is a parental pattern of ancestry and descendant sequence of populations) Sex and / or asexual grouped by evidence of monofiletism unbranched, genetic variability, geographical and evolutionary relationships diagnosed by a number of combinations of essential characteristics (morphology, physiology, etc.), with potentially reproducing and are reproductively isolated from other similar groups (lineages) with its own natural history.

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