Sudhakar - if you are just uploading it to ResearchGate as a preliminary data-set and early draft manuscript - then it is okay to submit the complete version to a journal for review. It would be unwise to submit an exact manuscript to RG that is the same as one you have sent for journal review. It is a potential breach of copyright if the journal is asking you (and they usually do) that you have not submitted the manuscript elsewhere.
Actually, when a journal is asking if you have submitted the manuscript elsewhere, they want to know if you submitted it "simultaneously" to other journals for possible formal publication. In this respect, posting a preprint to RG does not count.
But since all journals run plagiarism software to see if your text is elsewhere available on the internet, your RG work may be spotted and may cause counterproductive plagiarism alerts.
The solution simply is that when you are ready to submit your work for formal publication to some journal, just delete the copy you have on RG before submitting it to the formal journal. This way, you won't run into any such trouble.
Once your paper has been formally published, you can then upload an intro to your article on RG with Abstract and a link to the formal journal internet copy of your paper.