Prof Momir Mikov and his collaborators have studied bile acid derivatives and other compounds with potential to treat type 2 diabetes (obesity is the hallmark of T2D) and you may contact him to get more information. If you send a message to me, I can try to find his e-mail address.
Yes they are Experimental as well as Clinical studies which have addressed the effects of the bile acids not only on combating the Obesity (in terms of losing weight), but also they have addressed the bile acids effects on Diabetes (Insulin sensitivity and blood glucose level) and Cardiovascular risk which means that they have addressed the metabolic effects of the bile acids including Obesity (Components of Metabolic Syndrome).
However, the researchers always have emphasized that their target is not to use bile acids in treatment of Obesity or Diabetes but they are aiming to discover molecules which can mimic the effects of bile acids.
Some of these studies are the following;
Bile acids, obesity, and the metabolic syndrome. Ma H, Patti ME.
Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2014 Aug;28(4):573-83. (PMID:25194176).
Are bile acids the new gut hormones? Lessons from weight loss surgery models. Pournaras DJ, le Roux CW. Endocrinology. 2013 Jul;154(7):2255-6.
A surgical model in male obese rats uncovers protective effects of bile acids post-bariatric surgery. Kohli R, Setchell KD, Kirby M, Myronovych A, Ryan KK, Ibrahim SH, Berger J, Smith K, Toure M, Woods SC, Seeley RJ. Endocrinology. 2013 Jul;154(7):2341-51.
Impaired generation of 12-hydroxylated bile acids links hepatic insulin signaling with dyslipidemia. Rebecca A Haeusler, Matthew Pratt-Hyatt, Carrie L Welch, Curtis D Klaassen, Domenico Accili. Cell metabolism (Impact Factor: 17.35). 12/2011; 15(1):65-74.
TGR5 reduces macrophage migration through mTOR-induced C/EBPβ differential translation. Alessia Perino, Thijs Willem Hendrik Pols, Mitsunori Nomura,Sokrates Stein, Roberto Pellicciari and Kristina Schoonjans. J Clin Invest. 2014; 124(12):5424–5436.