I have more than three treatment in my research. I am to use predictive analytical software, i.e. SPSS to compare this treatment. So I can't see Duncan multiple range rather i'm seeing post hoc
The term 'post hoc' is a general term for the methods used to look at comparing means from an experiment. The comparisons should be only performed if they were pre-planned, and only if the F test for your particular factor is significant at your pre-determined level of alpha (typically 0.05). So a particular type of multiple comparison test may be applied, if and only if the factor was significant. Duncan's is a type of mutiple comparioson.
So Tukeys, also called Tukeys HSD, (Honest Significant Difference) is an example of a multiple comparison test. It is similar to a t test but takes into account the experiment-wise error.
In R after running a one-way anova with aov or lm and getting a model output, you would look at the F test for your factor or interest.
In R you can use the agricolae package, and then use the duncan.test command following on the model output (model) , where "factor" is the name of your factor.
duncan.test(model, "factor",console=TRUE)
The output will give the pairs of means and letters to determine whether they are differenec or not.