MitoTracker Red and LysoTracker Green can be used to assess mitophagy by monitoring the colocalization of the 2 stains which happens only if mitochondria are engulfed in autophagosomes. Colocalization can then be reported by Pearson coefficient (PC). However, PC is correlated with both the location and the intensity of the fluorescence signal. So the PC will increase only if the two colors are colocalized AND both their intensities are proportionally correlated. This is ideal for measuring colocalization of two stable stains, however this is not the case in mitophagy. Engulfing mitochondria into the autophagosome will decrease the MitoTR fluorescence due to depolarization of mitochondria and/or degradation of mitochondrial proteins bound to MitoTR. This leads to less PC value complicating the interpretation of the results.
I wonder if there is a better colocalization indicator that report location of the two signals irrespective to their intensities?