09 September 2018 6 2K Report


I have functionalized Mn-cdS nanotube by amino acid,... . New O-S bond, Mn-O bond,... formed. Now i want to do MD simulation for this functionalized nanotube. (I use AMBER99SB ff)

How should i define ffbonded.itp?I have bond length and angles but i don't know kb(binding constant) If for example kb of Mn-O for another similar structures exists in literatures can i use them?

If kb doesn't exist, can i freeze this BOND(not the whole AA) on known bond length, ANGLE on known dihedral angle and known partial charges charges(all achieved after functionalization of NT with AA by DFT) or maybe constraint it?

Is it possible to freeze bond at all?! Is there any better choice?

Best regards

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