09 September 2018 7 7K Report


I study the interaction(calculating PMF for different distances of molecule above surface) of amino acid with surface in presence of water( using TIP3P water model, AMBER force field by GROMACS package). and now i want to analyze different properties( and changes in the distribution) of water above surface.

I attached a file which i can not understand how(which analysis or tool) author plotted " The distribution of water polarization", I mean 2nd and 3rd one. The first one is calculated by "gmx density tool of GROMACS" but i don't have any idea about 2nd and 3rd one?! ( is it gmx spol?) They did not polarizable simulation so how ....? (This is an article if you like to ...)


I also want to calculate the orientation of water molecules above surface and around amino acid, The distribution and number of water molecules in RADIAL distance around amino acid. How can i really achieve these goals?

Would you please help me?

Best regards

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