08 December 2013 9 4K Report

In order to use XRD to measure the epi film thickness precisely, several conditions must be met including and not limited to:

1. The sample must be assumed optically flat which is invariably the case for the samples used in electronic applications.

2. The incident beam wave length dispersion is independent of the location on the 2D incident beam and invariant during the experiment. A reasonable expectation.

3. The incident beam is "reasonably well monochromated, collimated and invariant", reasonable source stability. "Perfection" is unnecessary. http://www.flickr.com/photos/85210325@N04/9531061382/in/set-72157635534175171

4. An Omega-2Theta coupled scan is required with the substrate and epi reflection included in the rocking curve profile acquired for analyses. This allows the ability to normalize the XRD relative intensities across the 2D pixels laterally on the topograph. http://www.flickr.com/photos/85210325@N04/10653618416/

5. Sufficient data to precisely identify the BG (back-ground) signal must be acquired. This is the key for precise "Integrated Intensity" measurements for quantification of epitaxial film thickness (related to the diffracting volume) laterally across the "XRD Topograph".

Our sample was a SL (super lattice) epitaxial film 0.5um thick with 25nm layer 10 periods of InAsSb/InAs on (001) GaSb substrate (http://www.flickr.com/photos/85210325@N04/10647827636/). A Panalytical MRD [Ge (220) Bartel Hybrid + Soller Slits] type diffractometer was used with a Bragg XRD Microscope made by Onsight Technology USA. The data was acquired at the Air Force Research Lab @ WPAFB, OH.

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