I was conducting a statistical analysis with R.
First of all, I checked the assumption of equality of normality, I found no equality :
then checking the one of the variance, i found equality of varirance.
I dicided to carry out a non parametric test to check weither or not there were difference in the mean. Thus, I used Kruskal.test, i found a p-value of 0.31, higher than 0.05. So I concluded that there is no significant difference in the means. But looking at the value I found :
=c(114, 120, 66,
84, 72, 60,
81, 78, 191,
71, 70, 72,
70, 60, 80,
50, 40, 75,
70, 60, 90)
I wished to rank the means. So I carried out a LSD test with agricolae. Bingo, it found different letters for the means (a, ab, b). However, HSD found no difference(a) for all means.
I am a bit confused, because, all article a visited said that LSD is a post anova test in the case if we observed a significant difference.
Is my methodology logical and statistically acceptable.
Kind regards,