If I get you right, you can use electrolyte conductivity meter. Check the publications below for details. I hope they help
Sørensen, A., Lauridsen, E. B., & Thomsen, K. (1996). Electrical conductivity test (Doctoral dissertation, Danida Forest Seed Centre).
Varghese, B., Naidoo, C., & Pammenter, N. W. (2016). The use of plant stress biomarkers in assessing the effects of desiccation in zygotic embryos from recalcitrant seeds: challenges and considerations. Plant Biology, 18(3), 433-444.
Take 1gm of fresh anther into 50 mL falcon tubes with 25 mL of 0.4 M mannitol solution and mix under agitation for 1 h. Measure the electrical conductivity of the solution at room temperature using a conductivity meter. The total conductivity (CT) of the solution could be determined either leaving the sample overnight at -30oC or, autoclave. Electrolyte leakage (L) is calculated using below mentioned eq :