Hi, I'm trying to run a simulation of two meshing gears using 2.5D remeshing method of Dynamic meshing in FLUENT.
I have defined the deforming dynamic zone on the symmetry plane where gears are meshing and it works, as shown in the attached figure.
The problem is the following:
I need a high refinement level of grid into the approach region of the teeth where they reach the minimum distance (without contact because I have slightly increased the wheelbase dimension) in order to appropriately detect the flow field info the meshing region. Since it seems that the user can define the grid refinement parameters , on the deforming dynamic zone, only exploiting constant values (for Minimum and Maximum Lenght Scale and Maximum Skeweness) the same stringent refinement level is applied on all the symmetry and consequently on all the extruded dynamic domain which makes the computational costs of my calculation too much expensive.
Does someone know if it is possible to define, by means of UDF for example, a local variation of such grid refinement parameters in order to makes grid refinement stringent into the meshing region and coarser in the otherpart of the dynamic domain?