Cureval 8 is a MS Windows program which serves for off-line processing and graphical representation of data obtained by measurement of temperature variation of magnetic susceptibility by means of the CS4 Furnace Apparatus and/or the CS-L Cryostat Apparatus [...etc...]
Cureval 8 (current version 8.0.1) features basic viewing of thermomagnetic curves – k vs. temperature, 1/k vs. temperature, k vs. time, temperature vs. time – where k represents total, bulk, or mass susceptibility. ...plots can be directly copied into clipboard, ...exported into Windows Metafile...
In addition, the program features basic data processing routines, [...] and manual Curie temperature(s) estimation using the k vs. temperature and 1/k vs. temperature curves (Petrovský & Kapička 2006).
So, this is not about computation/calculation of TC but
1) basic data viewing/treatment/exporting for data generated with some specific hardware and corresponding file formats
2) estimation (of, e.g., TC) from experimental datasets. If this is what you are looking for, then the answer is probably "yes, somehow".
You will have to check by yourself whether the routines implemented fit your purpose. One of the problems in determining TC from experimental datasets is that you need a finite field for the measurements, but TC is defined as the ordering temperature in the absence of an external field. The presence of the field smears out the para-to-ferromagnetic transition (because it produces already a finite magnetization also in the paramagnetic state). Once you have understood the necessary procedures (discussed in textbooks like e.g. O'Handley, "Modern Magnetic Materials", Wiley), you might as well want to implement them yourself in general data treatment software (and be it a normal spreadsheet software).
I am using a CS-4 furnace. The data has temperature and susceptibility values. Presently I usie the "two-tangent method" (e.g., Petrovsky & Kapička 2006) and was wondering that may be the CUREVAL software could find Tc more sufficiently. I now know that the CUREVAL is for graphical representation only.