So far, I knew that we can modify a construct with either formative or reflective indicators in SmartPLS. Is there anyone doing a MIMIC Model in SmartPLS (PLS-SEM)?
In SmartPLS, you would use a two-construct model (one construct has the indicators with the incoming arrows and the other construct has outgoing arrows from the construct to the indicators; the relationship between the constructs is from the first to the second one).
I think reading the following paper will help a lot.
Chang, C., Gardiner, J., Houang, R. et al. Comparing multiple statistical software for multiple-indicator, multiple-cause modeling: an application of gender disparity in adult cognitive functioning using MIDUS II dataset. BMC Med Res Methodol 20, 275 (2020).
It seems that there are theoretical drawbacks to doing this. The first question that comes to mind is what is the purpose of doing this? Is it possible to test a model with both the variance and covariance approach or should the appropriate approach be used?