Hello everyone. I have a factorial repeated-measures design that has 3 IVs of interest to my hypotheses, and 2 IVs that I want to control for and show that they have no bearing on the main results. So, we're potentially talking about a 5-way RM ANOVA, with each factor having 2 levels.

I'm wondering whether it is appropriate to discount the 2 control IVs first, by contrasting their marginal means (i.e. all other IVs would be collapsed and the 2 levels of each control IV would be subject to planned paired-samples t-tests, keeping familywise error rate at .025).

Assuming I did that and found that there was no overall or omnibus difference between the levels of each control IV, would I then have grounds to collapse those variables and run a more manageable 3-way RM ANOVA on the IVs of interest? Alternatively should I be looking towards ANCOVA or multivariate ANOVA?

Any advice you could provide on this topic is greatly appreciated, and I'm happy to clarify any of the details.

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