Do you know who to trust by just looking at their face? That’s what we are aiming to find out in our research. How do facial features contribute to our level of trust for another person?

To make our research worthwhile, we need people from all walks of life to participate in our online study. This is designed to shed light on what exactly is it about the face that contributes to others' impressions of trustworthiness.

If you are:

  • 18 years or older
  • An Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • Able to read English
  • Willing to answer an online questionnaire that will involve looking at faces
  • Available for around 10-15 minutes
  • Have access to a computer or smart device

Please copy and paste this link in a new browser window:

Please note that this study has been approved by the University of New England's Human Research Ethics Committee (HE19-079).

For more information, please contact Michelle Coleman: [email protected]

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