Not beyond humanitarian aid, and also the responsibility of managing this emergency time not only given for government officials but we all together have a responsibly to involve as mach as possible
This depends on the location and the context, but ultimately government will not be the most effective organizations at countering COVID. Many times humanitarian organizations are more effective than governments. This will be especially true of the COVID situation as we learn more about it and recognize that some effective preventive and mitigation measures can be handled without sophisticated hospitals or clinical facilities. Even disregarding multilateral humanitarian organizations like the UN, we are seeing already an impact of smaller non-government organizations. With slow global distribution of vaccines and chronic lack of healthcare delivery options, especially in smaller economically challenged countries or communities, we are seeing effective public health measures in the form of such simple adjustments as enhanced nutritional programs and hygiene measures. Knowing your demographic profiles and where your most vulnerable populations exist is also proving very helpful. Also, the good thing about this is that non-government humanitarian activities are much better at building community and much more efficient at avoiding bureaucratic waste and even corruption.