09 September 2013 12 4K Report


"Excellence is Doing an ordinary thing in an extraordinary way"

"Some thing is better than nothing"

If we add a para daily after one month it will result in a productive item (paper , review, thesis , chapter, etc.etc.) So start from today

Dear All

I am pleased to inform you, after successful publication of two books i have started compiling another one or two books depending upon response from authors and dedicated scientists like you) in the aspect of crop improvement

The themes are

1. plant breeding in relation to crop improvement( biotic, abiotic stress, quality improvement, etc)

2. Plant bioticnology aspects of crop improvement( biotic, abiotic stress, quality improvement,) both Marker assisted selection AND TRANSGENIC APPROACH/ CISGENIC APPROACH/ other in vitro techniques etc.)

3. Molecular breeding/QTLS biotic, abiotic stress, quality improvement

4 Plant genetic resources , conservation and its application in crop improvement

5. Crop specific breeding approaches like rice , wheat , maize or other horticultural crops

6. Hybrid technology and status of hybrid breeding in various crop plants

7. Molecular farming

8. Plant plastid/chloroplast engineering

9.Genome sequencing of major crop plants

10. other aspects related to crop improvement

Interested scientists ,researchers, PhD students are requested to send in their titles and abstracts from the above themes before 30 october 2013 for finalization. Selection of papers will be on quality, innovation, and quick response

Interested scientists who want to be co editors can also send in their interest

For any further query kindly contact

[email protected]

shabirhwani@[email protected]

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