I have questionnaire was done in US and the questionnaire is valid , Now i want use this questionnaire in Malaysia, is a pilot study necessary to do in Malaysia ? and how i can explain about this part in proposal ?
even a so called "valid" questionnaire has proven validity for certain questions, in a certain language and in a certain cultural context. If your questionnaire was not yet used in Malaysia, a pilot study and maybe even a further validation study will be necessary.
I agree with Dr Muller. There are many types of validity, and personally, I would say that only criterion validity with a fair coefficient is of any use. Therefore, you should look very carefully at the evidence cited for the validity you claim. This is difficult stuff, and you definatelt do a pilot and test the validity for yourself, and be very careful when picking your criterion..
I recommend some of my own papers about validity;
af Wåhlberg, A. E., Barraclough, P., & Freeman, J. (2015). The Driver Behaviour Questionnaire as accident predictor; a methodological re-meta-analysis. Journal of Safety Research, 55, 185-212.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2015.08.003
af Wåhlberg, A. E. (2010). Social desirability effects in driver behavior inventories. Journal of Safety Research, 41, 99-106.
doi: 10.1016/j.jsr.2010.02.005.
af Wåhlberg, A. E., Dorn, L., & Kline, T. (2010). The effect of social desirability on self reported and recorded road traffic accidents. Transportation Research Part F, 13, 106-114.
af Wåhlberg, A. E. (2009). Driver Behaviour and Accident Research Methodology; Unresolved Problems. Farnham: Ashgate.
As stated by others, validity and reliability are not properties of an instrument that follow the instrument into a new study. Validity and reliability must always be evaluated in every study.
For my work, construct validity is most important. Use hypothesis testing or known groups to evaluate construct validity. Factor analysis provides evidence that a group of items are related. It does not confirm or support that the instrument measures any specific concept or construct.
If you are going to translate the questionnaire into another language, the back-translation procedure has worked well for us. A pilot study is absolutely required if you are translating the questionnaire into a language other than its original.
I have questionnaire was done in US and the questionnaire is valid , Now i want to use this questionnaire in Malaysia, is a pilot study necessary to do in Malaysia ? and how i can explain about this part in proposal ?
The valid US questionnaire justified its adoption to be replicated in Malaysia. However, pilot study is still needed in Malaysia as the sample & research context between the two countries can be different. Moreover, you might also need to take care the questionnaire content / localize it if the questionnaire needs to be translated in to local language (e.g. if most of your respondents mainly use local language). If translation is not needed, then you need to evaluate whether the local respondents can understand those wordings used in US? Will the same wordings transpired the same meaning to the local respondents? Will the local respondents takes longer time to respond for many questions in the questionnaire? Sensitivity issues of the questions asked etc. The above questions / points can be addressed through conducting a pilot study & can be included as rationale in your proposal. Wishing you all the best.
Yes it is necessary to conduct the pilot test. This view is confirms by Saunders et al., (2007) also. Saunders et al., (2007) point out that the purpose of the pilot test is to refine the questionnaire so that the respondents will have no problems in answering the questions and also there will be no problems in recording the data. Fink (2003b) as cited in Saunders et al., (2007) state that the minimum number for a pilot study is 10.
Saunders, M.N., 2007. Research methods for business students, 5/e. Pearson Education India.