As my experiment involves RNA isolation, I just want to quickly check the total RNA integrity on a gel and confirm it on a UV-spectrophotometer. For that purpose, is a non denaturing agarose gel of 1-1.2% in TBE buffer a good option? Also a final volume of 2ul ethidium bromide is sufficient or should I add more for viewing RNA? I have seen from other sources that ethidium bromide amount is added more than usual unlike what is used for DNA. And is EtBr a good chemical to visualize RNA under UV? Kindly input your valuable suggestions.
PS: I am planning to incubate the RNA samples at 70C waterbath for 3 mins and place them on ice before loading on to the gel. Also my lab does not have an Agilent Bioanalyzer which I am sure is the best solution for RNA quality analysis but please suggest some possible solutions for agarose based method as well.